经验丰富, 广泛的测试, and labs conveniently located in global aerospace hubs, im体育APP's experts simplify your RTCA做- 160 testing process. 我们根据您的具体需求定制解决方案, ensuring efficiency and peace of mind so you can go to market with confidence.


什么是RCTA DO-160 

RTCA做- 160, the "环境 Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment,“这对全球航空业至关重要. The latest DO-160G standard ensures the safety and reliability of airborne electronic equipment and mechanical systems. Tailored to meet Federal Aviation Administration (美国联邦航空局) and global aviation regulations, it's universally adopted by aircraft manufacturers. This standard guarantees your electronic systems and components work safely in diverse conditions, prioritizing passenger safety and ensuring confidence in the reliability of your electronic systems and components.


关键 好处 RCTA DO-160测试

  • 遵守法规:使用im体育APP定制的RTCA做- 160测试, you’ll meet the rigorous requirements set by aviation authorities like the 美国联邦航空局, 确保你总是符合规定.
  • 提高安全性和可靠性: Our testing validates your product's resilience in diverse conditions, 从极端温度到振动和EMI, ensuring its reliability and safety in real-world scenarios.
  • 提高质量和信任度: Our rigorous testing not only assures build quality but also fosters trust among your customers. It's concrete evidence of your commitment to best practices, enhancing your market position.
  • 降低风险: By adhering to comprehensive testing and making necessary adjustments, you can proactively address potential risks that may arise during your product's lifecycle.
  • 简化测试: im体育APP offers all RTCA做- 160 tests in one place, utilizing cutting-edge equipment and concurrent testing setups. 这意味着更快的设置, 更流畅的见证测试, 更快的结果, helping you reduce time to market and minimize errors.
  • 扩大市场范围: As a recognized international testing provider, im体育APP opens doors to multiple markets for your product. 探索我们进入全球市场的机会.
  • 坚持im体育平台app下载最佳实践: DO-160 is a cornerstone of environmental testing in aviation. Following these industry best practices is vital in avionics design and manufacturing.



When it comes to RCTA DO-160 testing, navigating the complexities can be overwhelming. im体育APP is here to help - our dedicated experts are actively involved in RTCA Special Committee 135, ensuring you're always up to date with the latest standards. We provide solutions for even the toughest technical challenges, working closely with you to design a specialized test program that efficiently meets all your needs, 无论规模大小. 拥有一个多世纪的经验, we handle everything from full-size 机身 testing to comprehensive operational and performance testing. Trust us to simplify DO-160 testing and guide you toward success.



We recognize that achieving RCTA DO-160 compliance is more than a one-time task; it's a lifelong commitment to safety and quality. 我们的奉献超越了最初的测试, ensuring your product's compliance throughout its lifespan. We offer comprehensive support and monitoring to navigate evolving standards and regulations. 我们的专业知识确保您的产品, 是否是航空电子系统, 机身, 或组件, consistently meets RCTA DO-160's stringent requirements, 符合美国联邦航空局和相关标准. 在我们的指导下, 你们对遵守的承诺依然坚定不移, fostering long-term trust and confidence in your product's performance.


What RTCA D0-160 testing services does im体育APP offer?

Our comprehensive range of RCTA DO-160 testing services include:  



拥有一个世纪的经验, im体育APP is trusted by leading commercial aerospace companies, 供应链, 以及接受RCTA DO-160测试的前25家原始设备制造商. Our state-of-the-art labs provide accredited testing services, accommodating projects of any size. What makes us unique is our streamlined, single-location-per-project approach. We employ cutting-edge equipment and parallel test setups to expedite testing and ensure precise, 高质量的结果. This approach enhances witness testing accessibility and convenience.

最终, our method accelerates time-to-market for your products, meeting critical deadlines while upholding the highest safety and performance standards for avionics equipment.

We've also incorporated capacity redundancies to minimize development cycle risks, 加强你的供应链. 要了解更多关于im体育APP的信息,请访问我们的 关于我们 page. For inquiries about our superior RCTA DO-160 testing services, im体育APP  根据你今天的要求.




RTCA/DO-160G EMI测试的关键考虑因素

为什么要测试RTCA/DO-160G? What’s the difference between EMI and environmental testing requirements? How does RTCA/DO-160G compare to other standards?  按需观看

How to Prepare for Success: DO-160 环境测试 Requirements

Download a free webinar on RTCA/DO-160 环境 test requirements presented by im体育APP's John Homan.

RTCA做- 160测试服务



MIL-STD 810测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US and UK evaluate components and systems to defense standards including MIL-STD 810 and others.



im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental stresses and conditions. 



Learn more about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have and how they can help you solve your technical and commercial challenges.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.